Yaw brakes

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Plane brakes for yaw systems

© ESM GmbH
Plane brakes for yaw systemsInstallation example in a 3–4 MW turbine

The ESM plane brakes for yaw systems damp and brake the rotary motion during the wind tracking of the nacelle. At nacelle standstill, the ESM plane brakes for yaw systems transmit the yaw torque from the nacelle to the tower and hold the nacelle in position.

Compared to classical disk brakes, which generate the brake forces with the help of guided pistons, the ESM plane brakes for yaw systems generate the brake forces via innovative elastomer-hydraulic cushions.

  • homogeneously distributed contact pressure on the friction pad

  • reduction of the brake squeal

  • no oil leakage

  • lower costs

  • Wind turbines, cranes

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